Johnnie Moore

P2P application from a refugee camp

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

From the newsletter of envisional comes word of this CNET article

Deep in the tense Jenin refugee camp in the Palestinian West Bank a new file-swapping service is daring record labels and movie studios to turn their piracy-hunting into an international incident.

Dubbed Earthstation 5 the new file-swapping network is openly flouting international copyright norms at a time when many older peer-to-peer companies are trying to establish themselves as legitimate technology companies. One of the brashest of a new generation of file-trading networks, it is serving as a new test case for the ability of high-tech security measures and international borders to preserve privacy on the Net.

The full article questions just how far this particular site has got… but it confirms the almighty challenge that the music industry faces in trying to enforce its digital rights. I don’t have any easy answers on how best to balance the needs of artists with the benefits of a free exchange of ideas. But it seems to me that the Intellectual Property enforcers are going to have a real practical struggle enforcing their own ideas of what’s fair.

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